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How sensory toys help calm children with autism

December 15, 2022 2 min read 0 Comments

How sensory toys help calm children with autism

There will be times with all children, at home or in public, when they struggle with their emotions whether it is in tiredness, over-excitement, panic, fear, anger or disappointment.

Many children will naturally learn to regulate these emotions and exercise control, many take a little longer to control them but will learn not to express them in front of company or in public, but for some self-regulation and self-awareness will take a lot longer and for some may never happen.

At all stages children may find or need a way to self soothe, traditionally this might be a cuddly toy or fleecy blanket, but through significant advances in studies of neurodiversity there are a lot more options available aligned specifically to help certain diagnoses of autism.

These options now reside under the headings Sensory Toys and Sensory Aids and have become popular not just with children with autism but with children in general. How popular fidget toys have been, such as fidget spinners and pop-its, is proof that these toys also avoid being a stigma associated with a disorder.

So how do sensory toys help calm children with autism?

The number one benefit of a sensory toy is to provide a distraction from what may be causing frustration, distress or anxiety and the best way is through touch.

The sensory toy having calmed the incident can then stimulate other moods such as happiness, playfulness or tiredness.

Sensory distraction is the most significant way that sensory toys calm children with autism by regulating their emotions and making them more able to manage their environment. Once calm, sensory toys can then assist in occupying an autistic child as they transition to their next activity.

How our sensory toys help calm children with autism

Hairy Hugger, Sensory Worm, and Sensory Snake are designed to provide a safe environment for a child with autism. They are weighted to promote security; they are soft to touch and have colourings and characterisation to be a cuddly toy. Essentially Hairy Hugger can be taken with a child on shopping trips, overnight stays and day excursions and can be on hand for sensory relief at all the difficult moments. Sensory Worm and Sensory Snake provide home distraction and transitional sensory relief in periods of anxiety or over excitement.

You can read more about our sensory toys here and how they help calm children with autism.

If you have any questions about our sensory toys please contact us here and arrange a call with Mette.


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